P.O. BOX 19709
PA 19143
Chapter 1
The MOVE Organization surfaced in Philadelphia during the early 1970's. Characterized by dreadlock hair, the adopted surname "Africa," a principled unity, and an uncompromising commitment to their belief, members practiced the teachings of MOVE founder JOHN AFRICA.
Chapter 2
Throughout the 1970's, Frank Rizzo was the premier figure in Philadelphia government. He started as a street cop and rose through the ranks, eventually serving as Police Commissioner from 1967-71.
Chapter 3
On Tuesday, August 8th, hundreds of cops in flak jackets and riot helmets surrounded the 33rd Street location at dawn and ordered MOVE to surrender.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
According to the book "20 years on the Move"
Translation : Claude GUILLAUMAUD for "Just Justice"
Legends Photos : Béatrice KOULAKSSIS and Nadège ARNAULT
David JOYEUX (development)
and Jonathan LERE (webdesign)
Drowings of Move 9 : Tinted Justice Collective
1&1 Internet AG
Brauerstr. 48
76135 Karlsruhe
Thanks to Ramona Africa and the Move family